Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hallo every one at first I say sorry that I am late to post this tips. It is for "Mothers Day  " but I late cause my Internet providing  company off my internet connection since 2 days....
again  sorry for may late...

 Today we are going to make a design like this...

1) Run your Photoshop software . then open a new file like below ...

2)  Now create a new layer,  then press "G" and follow the photo commands..

 3) Now create  another layer , then select Gradient tool then change the gradient color like the next photo

4) Now fill the layer by the gradient tool. then press " Ctrl+ A" to select the hole layer. Then go to the select menu and follow the next two photo command

5) Now press "Shift+ Ctrl + i " to inverse or do it manually. Then go to filter menu and follow next photo commands...

6) Now create a new layer then > go to text tool by pressing "T" then Write "Happy  " then select the move tool . Then press "Ctrl+ T" > move and re-size the text as you need. 
7)  Create another layer then select text tool > type Mothers Day . select Move tool > press "Ctrl + T" > move and resize the text as you needed. Look the next photos

8) Now right chick the mouse on the layer palate and copy the layer style then press the style on other text layer. see the photo...

9) Now select the Eraser Tool  . then choose the brash style like the next photos...

10) Right click the mouse and make the photo size  like that...

11) Now select the layer as follows and erase the layer that follow in the next photos...

        Finally you will get a image like that..
 Thank you for visit.. bye bye.


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